Dear friends who love Taiwan food,
For anyone of you who is staying in Taiwan or planning Taiwan in a year, there is a very easy way for you to win the cash plus a one night stay in the center of Taipei! The campaign is sponsored by the Taipei Bigfoot hostel operated by my good friends and me in Taipei city. Spread the words out to friends and win the prizes!!!!
經過多方努力,與美國知名美食分享網站 合作的活動在今天要開跑了!!!
用很簡短的兩到三句英文分享一道台灣、或任何你旅行過的國家的當地美食,就可以獲得一千元現金+西門町目前最夯的旅舍, 台北大腳盤自助旅遊經驗分享團 Taipei Bigfoot-share your travel experience 的一晚住宿喔!! 以下是活動的詳細參賽內容,歡迎大家踴躍參加,然後Eat Your World Your World 網站欣賞世界各地的旅人分享好吃的食物喔!!! 活動期限只有一個月,拜託大家幫忙多多參與及宣傳。好康道相報喔!!! 感恩感恩!