2013年10月22日 星期二

與美國知名美食網站Eat your world 一起做活動 Event with famous food website in USA - Eat your world

Dear friends who love Taiwan food, 

For anyone of you who is staying in Taiwan or planning Taiwan in a year, there is a very easy way for you to win the cash plus a one night stay in the center of Taipei! The campaign is sponsored by the Taipei Bigfoot hostel operated by my good friends and me in Taipei city. Spread the words out to friends and win the prizes!!!!


經過多方努力,與美國知名美食分享網站 合作的活動在今天要開跑了!!!
用很簡短的兩到三句英文分享一道台灣、或任何你旅行過的國家的當地美食,就可以獲得一千元現金+西門町目前最夯的旅舍, 台北大腳盤自助旅遊經驗分享團 Taipei Bigfoot-share your travel experience 的一晚住宿喔!! 以下是活動的詳細參賽內容,歡迎大家踴躍參加,然後Eat Your World Your World 網站欣賞世界各地的旅人分享好吃的食物喔!!! 活動期限只有一個月,拜託大家幫忙多多參與及宣傳。好康道相報喔!!! 感恩感恩!


大腳盤 首次登上國際舞台了 Taipei Bigfoot Hostel makes its debut in the world!

終於登上國際舞台了, 在全球知名美食網站上 大打廣告

這個網站有很多全球當地美食 blog 推薦文
台灣的美食文 正在增加中, 希望有更多的人 多多參與 並 按 "讚"
台灣 美食 讚啦!!!

note. 請注意右邊的廣告...會發現大腳盤的廣告喔!!!

Yes, we-Taipei Bigfoot Hostel makes the debut in the world. 

Our ad comes out on the international food website-Eat your world.
The web is a shared platform with a lot of local food pictures and recommendation. Of course, more and more Taiwan food is posted there. Please join us to click "like" and upload your favorite Taiwan food photo and info on the website.
Taiwan food.....so amazing!!!
note. please see the ad on the right side. You will have an amazing finding - Taipei Bigfoot. 


2013年10月17日 星期四

遇見大腳盤的10個方法 10 ways to touch Taipei Bigfoot

                                                            台北的夜空 Taipei under the sunset

但,其實 你還不夠了解他 及 他 所在的城市
Visit the beautiful city -Taipei, stay at Taipei Bigfoot Hostel. 
You may not really understand the hostel and the city.

讓我們教你 遇見大腳盤的10個方法:
Let us get you know 10 ways to touch Taipei and Bigfoot.

1. 嘗遍大街小巷的路邊攤,然後選一家好餐廳 享用大餐
Taste any popular vendor around all the highways and byways of Taipei , then choose one good restaurant and enjoy a big meal. 

2. 一見到旅行團,就尾隨進入名勝古蹟,之後 自己亂走
Follow the tour group into scenic spots of historical significance, then stroll by yourself 

3. 半夜到24小時的誠品書店,選自己喜歡的書,找一個角落,閱讀到天亮
Visit the Eslite bookstore with 24-hour, choose one favorite book, come to one corner, read the book until sunrise

4. 清晨 慢跑到公園 看老人 打太極拳、下棋,與阿嬤 一起跳民俗舞蹈
Jogging in early morning, see the old performs Taichi, play Chinese chess, and join folk dance

5.  走訪台北的廟宇、老街、尋一個安靜的角落,跟自己的內心對話
Visit temples and historic streets in Taipei, pursue a quiet place and talk to your mind

6. 找一個路邊的獨立咖啡店,點一杯濃郁的咖啡,看行人
Find an specialty coffee house on the street, order a cup of fragrant coffee, look people on the street.

7. 租一輛自行車,騎到迷路為止
Rent a bike, drive until you get lost

8. 跟計程車司機閒聊,因為它們最愛分享,也最了解當地城市的一舉一動
Chat with taxi driver, they love sharing gossip and local news, they know more on the city.

9. 找一個都會中心或參與一個當地的節慶活動,閉上眼睛,聆聽周遭的聲音
Join the local festival or go to the busy place of the downtown, close your eyes and listen to the voice around you.

10. 時常大口深呼吸,細細品嘗當地的味道
Take a deep breath, savor the local flavor thinly and thinly 

2013年10月15日 星期二