2013年6月10日 星期一

台灣 台北 故事 Fun Taiwan

西門,原名寶成門的台北府城西城門,建於1882年。町,指田界、田間小路、田地。 日據時代,日本人企圖打照類似東京淺草的商業密集區,設立了西門町。然後有了1897年的台 北座、1902年的榮座(現為新萬國商場)及1908年的八角堂(今西門紅樓)。而新世界館(現為誠品116、真善美戲院)旁的街道,稱為「片倉通」,有許多日本料理店在日據時代各擅其場,盛極一時。後來寶成門1905年拆除,田地變成大馬路,西門不見了,町沒有了。 但是,西門町,屹立不搖。在1980年代以前,西門町為代表台北市的娛樂流行聖地,曾幾度式微。2000年捷運板南線通車,中華路林蔭大道闢建,以及西門特色商圈重建,加上過往風華的特殊元素,西門商圈進入另一階段復甦,成為青少年年文化的代表、國際背包客造訪之地。

About Taiwan, Taipei, Ximen~
Ximending (Chinese;
西門町) is a neighborhood and shopping district in the Wanhua District of Taipei, Taiwan. It was the first and largest pedestrian zone in Taiwan. Ximending is the source of Taiwan's fashion, subculture, and Japanese culture. It attracts an average of over 3 million shoppers per month. The zone is also the main LGBT district of Taiwan, with a host of many clubs and pubs surrounding the area. 
This area is in the northeastern part of Wanhua District in Taipei and it is also the most important consumer district in the Western District of Taipei. 
The name of Ximending was derived from its position outside the west gate of Taipei City. In the beginning during Japanese rule, Ximending was an area of wilderness, 
through which there was a road connecting the west gate of Taipei to the town of Bangka. Later, the Japanese decided to follow the example of Asakusa in Tokyo to set 
up an entertainment and business area. The earliest entertainment facilities constructed included the Taihokuza in 1897, Eiza (now called New Wanguo Market) in 
1902, and the Red House Theater in 1908. 
Historic sites
Because of its history, Ximending is home to several historical sites. Built during the Japanese occupation, Ximending Mazu Temple is an important historical temple. 
Originally opened as a market, the Red House Theater is another 
prominent building from the Japanese era. The namesake West Gate was torn down in 1905. Chunghwa Market used to extend to this area, but was demolished in 1992.


理念:提煉自大腳盤的英文 「BIG FOOT」的「BIG」,將「B」以腳丫子呈現。

啟程 Origin


It was the winter of 2012, in Taipei, Taiwan. We, a group of good friends, got together and shared worldwide travel experiences. This was something we had done regularly for years. Our travels had taken us from Annapurna, Nepal, to Provence, France, to Montreal, Canada, to Four Sisters Mountain, China, and to Flagstaff, AZ, USA. This particular year, we not only shared our backpacking experiences, but also made a longtime dream come true. We decided to build a common place. Young traveler can get together and share travel experience with each other. This is located where we grew up and studied until university - Taipei City. We chose as a setting the fashionable and famous shopping district of Ximending. We hope people can take easy and share travel experiences and Taiwanese culture and food around the world.